
Design to Software Engineering


Unlocking Potential: Felicia’s Journey from Design to Software Engineering

Initially set on becoming a comic book artist, Felicia, qualified in 3D animation from Media Design School, embarked on a journey to find the perfect career. A couple of roles later, Felicia discovered her affinity for design.

After experiencing the technical limitations of this work, Felicia set her sights even higher, landing on the software engineering programme with the Institute of Data and recently landed a dream role as a front-end developer.

I found the Insitute of Data Software Engineering Programme more in-depth than any other programme. Other programmes don’t teach you the back-end, or they don’t teach you SQL and non-SQL databases. The Institute of Data programme was so thorough it gave me confidence. When I did the coding test for my job, I was confident I would do well because of the content I covered with the Institute of Data programme.”


Digital Marketing to Data Science


Charting a New Course: Ryan Stamp’s Journey from Digital Marketing to Data Science Triumphs

Like many New Zealanders, as a young professional, Ryan Stamp had set his sights on an overseas experience. Then the pandemic hit. Ryan shelved his overseas plans and was forced into reassessing his career. It was during this time that he rediscovered his interest in data science.

“I realised that if I wanted to enter the industry, I needed to upskill because it’d been about ten years since university, and the data space had changed significantly. The Institute of Data certification ticked many boxes - mostly being able to complete the programme part-time outside of work.”


IT Enthusiast to Cyber Security Leader


From IT Enthusiast to Cyber Security Leader: Jan Mazdin's Story

Jan Madzin is someone who has learned the benefits of stepping outside his comfort zone. For Jan, working in cyber security is more than just an interesting occupation. He has discovered his love for helping people and organisations, as well as his natural leadership skills, along the way.

“I wanted to focus on cyber security, which had experienced a boom in the last few years. I sent out some CVs and talked to a few people, but I found it difficult to gain any traction in New Zealand without any local experience. That’s when I discovered the Institute of Data Cyber Security programme.”


Hairdressing to High Tech


Hairdressing to High Tech: Avril Maleham’s Empowering Journey into Software Engineering

After 16 years in the hairdressing industry, Avril Maleham realised that her true calling lay in tech. Her journey into this field shows that pursuing your passions and finding fulfilment in life is never too late. It highlights the endless possibilities within the tech industry, inspiring us to embrace change and explore our true potential.

“In the Software Engineering industry the amount I’m learning and opportunities afforded to me have been awesome – especially within the team I work in. I have been encouraged to try things and give them a go, and that’s such a great learning culture — to be not held back from anything. It’s an industry where I’m really supported to progress.”